What can't I say about this gentleman? He is seven years old and is a doll. He is standard gray and came to me as a re-home.
His previous family was wonderful and he is very tame and friendly. He has given me years of companionship and even traveled
with me to class when I was in college (ssshhhh...don't tell!).
Isn't He Gorgeous? |
Gizmo the Great |
This girl has very dark markings (best seen in person) and the sweetest temperament. She is a cuddle bug that loves to snuggle
close in a pouch or in a pocket. She's a lovely girl with a very lady-like demeanor about her. She is a special girl and I
adore her.
Sprocket |
She was in a temporary cage here. |
Dot (aka Dottie)
This little darling is the daughter of Gizmo and Sprocket. I wanted to keep her so badly after the losses I'd dealt with only
weeks before. I decided to let her stay and we've become very good friends. She helped me when I needed it. She brought me
comfort and hope as a glider mom. I love her. She is a bra-baby that loves going to work with me. She lets me scoop her from
her pouch without so much as a blink. She chirps and chitters and talks to me all the time. She is a special young lady.
Dot |
We were having playtime in the bathroom. |
My little gift. Dilios and his brother, Leonidas, were gifted to me after my losses. A wonderful woman, Linda, gave these
two sweet boys to me to help mend my broken heart. Imagine my delight! I'm still getting to know them, but I'll do my best
to tell you about them.
Dilios is a standard gray and is a crabby pants. He adores playtime. He will explore a tent for hours. He leads the way
and boldly explores any new toys or pouches. He's a brave little soul. When being handled, he is a sweet boy with alot of
grooming to do!
Dilios |
Look at him peering into the barrel of monkeys! |
He is my little King. His sweet demeanor and gorgeous face are hard to resist. He will crawl into any pouch or bra offered
to him. He will eagerly go to strangers for a good rub under the chin. He hasn't crabbed once and is a very laid back fellow.
He is a gorgeous white faced blond from Linda. He is the brother of Dilios. They go everywhere together.
King Leonidas |
My beautiful White Faced Blond |