When I finally made the decision to bring Luna home, I knew I wanted her to have a pretty mate in the future. Squeak was available
at the time, but I thought there was no way I could get him. My generous friend bought him for me for my birthday. It was
the greatest gift a girl could ask for. I had my little boy!
Squeak always had an attitude all his own. He was gentle and sweet, but would get feisty when you tried to boss him around.
He was my bossy little boy. He had a huge personality and he really shined during playtime. He loved the toys in the glider
playroom, especially the red play-ball! He would hop, jump, and glider all over the place! He was a good boy that enjoyed
a nice ride in the shirt or pouch. He was a great glider and very handsome.
I'll always miss my precious prince.
Squeak |
My Precious Prince |
Fluffy Baby Squeak |
Breeder Pic |
Squeak |
In Pouch With Treat |
Squeak |
Look at that Tail! |
Squeak 5 1/2 weeks |
Breeder Pic |